Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hey All Jigs. 

I never thought it would be great to declare that we in a relationship with somebody in April, apparently I don't, okay.. But, it's about Noah and followed by Yatie. Both of them change their status but not with each other la, hahaha, can't imagine if it's were true, ngahaha.. sure meriah rumah tangga.. Of kos with their  own girlfriend and boyfriend. Well, we hope you guys will stay same with the one, don't chnage-change k..

Next story, again, we still can't put this couple stay relax behind. One of Jigs hot informer told me that, Dewi already had a theme song, love song I should say. Kelas kau Piyah, that's why lah I look Dewa become more di pam pam and very the hardworking to work over the night every day hehehe... The song, to be frank, I never heard and never thought that song was exist. If you guys already heard, then hear again to feel the lyrics, it's full of desire of love, entah apa aku ngarut nih, hehehe.. For those who never hear this song in the radio, meh dengar kat aku tepek ni..

Don't angry at me k.. With pleasure


bihah said...

true3! 1st time & setiap kali aku dgr lagu tu sure ingat mereka berdua hihi

congratz to yatie & md. noh! moga dipermudahkan ke peringkat seterusnya :)

Mamok™ said...

dah tu, tak reti2 nak buat citer kat blog? hahaha.. ni pon seb bek lah, ada informer bagi tahu... hehe...

bihah said...

hehe aku duk cakap ngan dewi jer yang lagu ni lagu derang, tak t'pk pulak bole jadi story beso haha ampun mok-razzi

Aizuddin said...

haha...siapa informer JIGS tue?

yatie said...

eleh cik aizuddin..msti anda yg informer nye kannn